After several months of avoiding the gym at all costs, I finally made my return this week. I have all sorts of excuses for why I haven't been. I re-injured my shoulder in January playing soccer. Sure, that shouldn't keep me from jumping on the stairmaster or elliptical, but it makes it really painful to pull my sports bra over my head. How's that for an excuse? Also, baseball season started up, I've had to travel more for work, my allergies are going berzerk, mercury is in retrograde(?), etc. You get it. I'm lazy. Now, I have been taking the dog for several walks every day and playing soccer on weekends. But, still. I actually PAY for this gym membership. So, I met my sister at the gym the other night and we hit the stairmaster. Ouch. Cardio, check. We did a little weight work, as well. But, the steam room was really calling to me. In my defense, I did do some ab work while laying in the sauna. I did a few leg lifts. So... yeah. Abs, check.I wanted to go back to the gym last night. I should've and really, I could have. But, I went to Target, instead, while silently promising myself an extra-hard workout tomorrow.
So, today is that 'tomorrow'. The Boys are with their dad this week. No chaotic morning of the battle to get kids out of bed, dressed, fed and off to school. I got up extra early, put on my work-out clothes, took the dogs for a walk and drove to Starbucks. I heard on the Today show that a cup of coffee 20 minutes prior to a workout helps with energy/endurance. So, everything was in place for a perfect workout. It's gonna be a good day. Until, I pulled into the Starbucks drive-thru. First, the Starbucks girl tells me that the person in the car 20 cars ahead of me purchased coffee for the next 20 cars. Score. Free coffee. Sweet. A really good day. Then she says, you can 'pay it forward' by buying coffee for the car behind me. What? Crap. I go to this Starbucks every day. I don't want to be that jerk. So, fine. I'll buy the next car coffee. The bill is twice what mine is. Great. Paying it forward. Fan-freakin-tastic. Phone rings. Work call. As I'm retrieving my coffee from the barrista, I hit the cup on the car window and spill it all over me, the car, and my work-out wear. So, now I obviously can't go straight to the gym with coffee all over me.
Now it's too late to go to the gym. Gotta get to work. Maybe at lunch, I'll get in a workout. Maybe.