Since we do the week on-week off custody thing, it's always much easier when certain dates (like, say, Mother's Day) fall on my week ON. This year, Mother's Day fell on dad's week (we 'switch' on Mondays after school). So, on Friday before Mom's Day, I called dad and asked if he was going to drop off the Boys in the morning, or if I should pick them up. He replied with, "I'll drop them off sometime in the afternoon". Um, it's Mother's Day. And I'm, ya know, their Mom? And then: "Yeah, well, we're planning on taking Amy (his girlfriend of about a year) to the Driscoll Hotel for Mother's Day Brunch."
Deep breath. Don't cry. "Um, I'd like to spend the day with them. I am, after all, their M.O.M"
And then came the dagger through the heart. "Listen, I'm trying to be fair and divide the time fairly. I mean, she's just like a mom to them."
Don't cry. Do. Not. Cry.
Let me start by saying that I genuinely like Amy. I do. She's sweet and young and an elementary teacher and she provides a great home for my Boys (yeah, they moved into her house). But, I am their MOM.
Dad went on to say that if, on Father's Day, the Boys wanted to spend time with my boyfriend, he'd totally understand. Really. Really? I explained to him that Father's Day was his. Period. Even if I were to get re-married, the Boys would give step-dad a card, a nice gift, but would spend that special day with their Father. I couldn't finish the conversation, so I asked him to re-think it and call me later.
Later, he did call and said that he'd read through the divorce decree and I 'get' them on Mother's Day. *sigh*
But, Mother's Day was fabulous. I picked up Grant & Lane early and we went out for breakfast. Then, we did yard work- something I actually really do enjoy. Later, my parents came over and I made dinner for them. Mimi and Pop Music (yes, we really do call my dad 'Pop Music') loved the mahi mahi fish tacos and we ate until we were stuffed.
So, despite the drama leading up to it, this Mother's Day was fun and relaxing and, most importantly, filled with love.