June 12, 2010

My Baby isn't a baby anymore....

Grant is fourteen today. Fourteen. Years. Old. While it was a big day for Grant- he's counting down the days to a drivers license- I was left feeling, well, I don't really know. Sure, there was the obvious holy-cow-my-son-is-fourteen-I'm-really-old feeling. And, if I didn't already think it, I had plenty of people to remind me (thanks, Mindy). But, more than anything else, I realize that Grant is becoming a young man. Check that, Grant has become a young man. And, I think that he's pretty great. He's smart, makes good grades, is polite and respectful, and yet... I wonder if I've done all that I can to help him become a good man. As a mom, I wonder if I've been too strict, or too lenient? Have I helped to instill the right values? How have the decisions that I've made affect him and his future? Again, I know he's a good kid, son that anyone would be proud of, and an amazing big brother. I can only hope that he takes what we've given to him (or saddled him with) and makes the best of it.